Houstonians for Urban Green Spaces
Get Involved
What you can do to help
Save the Glenbrook Green Spaces of Glenbrook Golf Course and access to Charlton Park and Glenbrook Park & Pool.
Help by ...
Spread awareness: Talk to your family, friends, neighbors, city and state representatives
Show your support: Proudly let HBG donors and city officials know how you stand by displaying yard signs
Post photos of how much you love and use your green spaces to Instagram #glenbrookgreenspace

Sign Change.org Petition
Return signed petitions to
8181 River Dr. Houston, Tx 77017

Contact Representatives
Use your voice to save your green spaces
HBG board & advisory council

We are looking for people to donate their time, but money also helps.

Speak Out!
Park Place Civic Club meets at Charlton Park every first Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m.
Meadowbrook Civic Club also meets at Charlton park, on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m., beginning in June.
Help Save our Community
Ways to help
make calls
provide a place for a public meeting
loan a canoe or kayak
provide refreshments
go on a canoe/ kayak trip
contact representatives
collect petition signatures
attend meetings
share photos
post and share on social media
tell your friends and family